About Docterre
Docterre offre des services de consultation et de laboratoire en écologie des sols, soutenant la régénération des écosystèmes du sol au Canada et à l'étranger. Docterre contribue activement au domaine en pleine croissance de l'écologie des sols et est un vétéran de la communauté du réseau trophique du sol. Depuis 2014, nous servons les Canadiens en tant que référence de confiance pour l'application de l'écologie des sols dans tous les secteurs et toutes les régions géographiques.
Nous nous spécialisons dans la microscopie de la vie du sol, la production de compost et d'inoculum écologiquement complets de la plus haute qualité, ainsi que dans les systèmes mécaniques et vivants qui accompagnent ces technologies. Nous offrons une formation pédagogique de qualité supérieure en sciences vivantes des sols et en écologie appliquée des sols dans le contexte de la régénération des services et des fonctions écosystémiques dans les fermes de toutes tailles à travers le monde. Nous servons les agriculteurs, les agronomes, les agroécologues, d'autres éducateurs et divers propriétaires d'entreprise en anglais, en français et en espagnol.
Our Approach
Docterre's approach is based a holistic view of understanding the relationships between all elements in soil environments and the microbial mechanisms which manage the ecosystem services and functions of healthy soils ecosystems. Soil ecology is about interactions and balance between soil biota, soil physical and chemical properties, water, oxygen, and the plants, animals, and humans within a soil environment. We believe that the influence soil biology has on chemical and physical properties of the soil, on plant health and on overall ecosystem resilience and stability has been overlooked for too long. We combine soil food web science with other ecological principles to achieve our goals. We use this information to design the most personalized soil regeneration process, adapting this process as easily as possible to our customers' workflow.
The importance of living soils?
For an introduction to living soils, check out this presentation given by Docterre founder Vivian Kaloxilos at the inaugaral Living Soils Symposium in Montréal, hosted by Regeneration Canada.
Our Clients & Partners

We have been fortunate to work with farms and colleagues throughout Canada, the USA, Central and South America, Europe, South Africa, India and Japan.
We have assisted cities and municipalities in transitioning their sport field and park management systems away from synthetic dependence and into closed looped regenerative practices.
We have worked with waste management companies and compost producers and other product companies to improve the quality of their product and efficiency, as well as monitored the quality of their products in our lab.
We have educated and accompanied farmers from small scale market gardeners to large scale cash crop producers on their transition towards regenerative practices and in house compost and inoculum production -- away from high cost high input synthetic based agriculture towards an efficient and fertility sovereign thriving productive agro-ecosystems.
We have worked with agronomists, landscape architects, landscapers and other consultants in the soil industry who wish to implement more ecological principles into their projects.
We have contributed to the regeneration of sports terrains such as golf courses and soccer fields.
We have worked with school teachers and community organizers who which to improve their understanding of soil ecology and regeneration and to create new curriculum options for future students and other professors in biology and agriculture schools.
The Team

Vivian Kaloxilos
Soil Ecologist

Alexandre Dagenais
Farmer, Ferme Terre D'Abondance