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How and when
to Pre-activate your Docterre Compost

Activating the compost is a way to optimize our product. By using this method you increase the biomass of active organisms. We recommend activating 3 to 7 days before using the compost to make an activated extract. Activate only the amount of compost needed to make your batch of activated extract.


Docterre Compost Pre-Activation Steps


Large Quantities:

For every 500L of activated compost extract made, you need an average of 20L (one bucket) of compost.


Activation recipe for 20 L of compost:


  • 20 L of Docterre Compost

  • 1 ½ to 2 cups of pre-activation food

  • Chlorine-free water, amount needed to reach 50-60% moisture content (see section 'Moisture Test')

  • N.B. If the water is chlorinated, put the water in a container to allow the chlorine to evaporate for 24h

  • Open container to maintain a good oxygen level

  • Example: Geotextile bag (smart pot), wooden box, cardboard box, large open container


Small quantities:

For every 20 L of activated compost extract made, you need an average of 3 cups of compost


Activation recipe for 3 cups of compost:


  • 3 cups of Docterre Compost

  • 20 ml of pre-activation food (1 teaspoon + 1 tablespoon)

  • Chlorine-free water, amount needed to reach 50-60% moisture content (see our Compost Moisture Hand Test page for reference)

  • N.B. If the water is chlorinated, put the water in a container to allow the chlorine to evaporate for 24h

  • Open container to maintain a good oxygen level


  1. Check the moisture content of the compost. If it is below 50% moisture, add a little water (as you go along) to bring the moisture content to between 50 and 60%.
    Tip: It is best to slowly increase the moisture content to avoid over-wetting. Add a small amount, mix the compost gently, recheck the moisture content, and repeat this process until the desired level is reached.


  2. Mix the pre-activation food gently and evenly into the compost.  No lumps should remain.
    Tip: Set aside a small portion of the compost to cover the active compost with a small layer of non-activated compost.

    Recommendation: It is easier to mix a larger amount of compost on a clean floor (or other clean surface) and then transfer the mixture into the container.

  3. Leave it in the container which will provide aeration while the compost is being activated. Once the mixing is done, the activation of the microbes begins so leave them alone in their quiet and undisturbed place…

Additional Tips:

  • Since you are activating the microbes, the oxygen level should remain as high as possible. You can therefore raise the container to allow for aeration underneath. For example: leave your activated compost container on a pallet

  • Maintain an environment that will be conducive to your microbial allies: pleasant temperatures (10-20 degrees) and constant; protect your container from the sun and wind or excessive air currents.

  • If it is very dry, take a piece of dampened cardboard and cover the compost.

  • You should not have to water a second time during the activation process.


A frequently asked question:


If I activate my compost, and then don't use it, can I reuse it? Do I have to reactivate it?



It is definitely better to wait until you are sure that you are going to make a batch of activated compost extract before you do the pre-activation steps, and freshly activated compost is ideal. But, in case you can't use it, you have several options:


You can use it within 2 weeks, it should have enough microbes still active.


Gently mix your activated compost into the rest of your Compost Docterre, and use the amount you want to activate again. Follow the activation steps as usual.

Main Office and Laboratory
6581 Boul. Curé-Labelle

Labelle, Québec
J0T 1H0

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