The Soil Stewardship Program
The Docterre Soil Stewardship Program provides soil ecology education for agricultural producers alongside accompaniment in the practical application of these methods.
The program also can include soil ecology analysis, providing the scientific data needed to understand and monitor the soil regeneration process.
Agricultural producers, aka soil stewards, who embark on this program gain the soil management skills necessary to steward their soils independently of external expertise. They are part of a growing community of farmers leading the way in regenerative agriculture, proudly supported by our team of soil ecologists.
For any farmer with any of the following goals:
Reducing external inputs
Reducing/eliminating synthetic inputs
Reducing/eliminating nitrogen inputs
Building resilience to insect and disease problems
Building resilience to climatic extremes
Healthier plants
Increased biodiversity on farm
Soil regeneration
Leaving farm better for next generation
More nutrient dense foods
Compost extracts or teas
Wanting to gain more in house expertise in the domain of soil health and overall farm ecology.
Carbon sequestration
Level 1:
Get set up for success
Education, Equipment and Community Support
The Soil Steward Program begins with setting you up with all the information and materials you will need to successfully integrate microbials into your soil and plant management system, as well as setting you up for a successful transformation on a farm scale to a system that will be ecologically functional, productive and resilient. All farms that have had lots of success first took the time to educate themselves in soil/plant ecology and how to apply ecological principles to their farms. Taking the time to implement the right equipment and systems for applying biology before getting going always makes the process much more effective and impactful.
This process involves:
Docterre’s online course on all things soil ecology, living soils, composts, biology, compost extracts and teas, designing resilient farm ecosystems. For more information on course content, click here.
At the end of this course, you are guided through a process of designing a 3 to 5 year action plan for your farm, based on all things you have learned in the course.
Once you have completed your own design, you can join the online community of farmers who have gone through this course as well, to get feedback about the design you have done, and exchange experiences with other farmers.
From there you can get going on your regenerative path as your own expert!
If you need top of the line compost for inoculum for your extracts or teas, microbial activations foods made by Docterre, click here!
If you need help figuring out your equipment or extractor situation, click here to book a consultation, otherwise, consult the farmers in the online support community.
If you need a custom made compost bag for extraction, click here!
You can send in soil samples to our lab if you want to get a baseline of where you’re starting from, and follow up as often or little as you want to see how your actions are impacting the regeneration of life in your soils.
Cost of Level 1:
850$ for the course, including online support community
Private consultation for equipment needs ONLINE: 111$ for one hour
Private consultation for equipment needs in person: travel time, hourly rate of 111$/hr, cost per kilometer of travel.
100-150$ per soil sample sent in for analyses, plus shipping.
Cost of compost inoculum not included
Cost of equipment not included
Level 2: Personalized Assistance
Personalized Educational & Scientific Support, On Going Accompaniment
This is for those who feel like they would like further private support from us and might feel they need an ongoing accompaniment through their regenerative process. On-going accompaniment from our team as needed for problem solving, on farm assistance, compost assistance, further educational or scientific support, more clarity and any particularities:
You submit your design to Docterre along with a filled out pre-consultation form (CLICK HERE), and sit down with us for a one on one meeting to discuss your design, get feedback from us on the design, more ideas for your situation in particular, more clarity on what you feel you are going to do, and any other support you feel you need to get going with confidence.
Field visits are optional as well. From Docterre being there in person to provide confidence and reassurance for your first application of compost extract/tea, to helping you document your biodiversity on your farm, to investigating your soil health with you in person on the farm with a microscope, checking out your compost process, etc – all these things are possible.
If you have any need for help figuring out the spraying system modifications, extractor units, etc, you can book a consultation with us for that too. If you feel you need us to come out to test your systems to make sure the biology is getting from your reservoir and out your spray nozzles, this option may be available as well.
If you think you have specific problems that might need more specific solutions, we can help you figure those out. If you need help identifying what these problems are, we can help.
If you have a specific on-farm research ambition and want help sorting that out, we can help you with that.
As the years go by, if you need annual follow-up support to discuss/monitor/document the ongoing changes on your farm, to learn more about what you're experiencing, and further help develop your changes, we are here to support you along the way.
By the end of this process, Stewards will have a huge gain in understanding of how to revive and take care of the biodiversity on their farms, how to manage their farms to be productive as well as fully functioning ecosystems at the same time. They will have a community of support either online with other farmers, and further field support by the Docterre team, lab and compost inoculum should they need it. Stewards will slowly become the experts of their own land, guardians of their productive ecosystems, gaining more independence from external inputs and expertise with every growing season. Stewards are confident in their regenerative soil management practices, and their soils are healthy, balanced, and full of life!
Phase 3: Ongoing Accompaniment (Years 3-5)
At this phase, steward implement the maintenance of their soil regeneration plan with ongoing accompaniment as needed.
Though this phase is equally crucial in the overall soil transition, it is usually less labour and cost intensive than the first 1-2 years.
By the end of this phase, stewards are confident in their regenerative soil management practices, and their soils are healthy, balanced, and full of life!
Phase 1
Up to 6 preliminary analyses, as needed ($900 value)
Pre-diagnostic consultation meeting ($300 value)
Site visit ($ 1500-2000 value)
Data interpretation and synthesis ($1200 value)
Detailed diagnostic meeting ($300 value)
Diagnosis can begin upon a deposit of $1000. Remaining payment must be received before the diagnosis meeting.
Travel costs not included for sites located > 50km from Sherbrooke, QC*
Phase 2
Education & Accompaniment
Estimate delivered upon completion of step 1, according to client goals and budget
This budget is based on accompaniment rates of $150/hour + travel costs*
Clients are billed in installments during the season for work as it is completed.
These prices do not include outside equipment investments or material costs that may be required in the process.
Phase 3
Ongoing Accompaniment
Years 3-5
Work identified on an as-need basis, according to the goals laid out in years 1 and 2, and according to fluctuating environmental and business demands.
Clients are billed in installments during the season for work as it is completed.
Most soil transitions can be completed within 5 years or less. Farmers and personnel are trained to maintain the health of their soils once the transition is complete. Docterre is available as needed for continued support and check ups that tend to take much less time and investment once the transition is complete.
$4000 to 10 000 / year
$2000 to 8000 / year
Years 1-2
* Travel rates:
Mileage: $ 0.58/km
Gas: market rate
Travel time: $75.00/hour
Per diem for multi day consultations: $75/day