Diagnostic field visit
This process involves: Ecological Profile Analyses provided on site, general site observations of soil/plant health, soil structure, land management history, compost analysis (if applicable), general state of ecological processes on farm.
This will give you an understanding of the state of soil health and ecosystemic functioning on your farm, as well as an idea of the kind of work you will have to do in order to revive your soil life and overall ecosystem functions on the farm, the scope of the work and intervention required moving forward.
We will take the time to explain what all this means in a language you understand. We will provide you with an understanding of the actions that are preventing your soil from recovering. Option for us to check out your farm equipment in order to determine what will be needed to set up a trial with compost extract/tea is optional.
For people not ready/don’t have time for the Soil Stewardship Program for whatever reason, who just want to know what the state of their soil health is, the microbial communities, the over ecosystem functioning of their land. They want to know this so they can get a sense of the investment ahead of them, should they choose to walk the regenerative path in the future.
Reducing external inputs
Reducing/eliminating synthetic inputs
Reducing/eliminating nitrogen inputs
Building resilience to insect and disease problems
Building resilience to climatic extremes
Healthier plants
Increased biodiversity on farm
Soil regeneration
Leaving farm better for next generation
More nutrient dense foods
Compost extracts or teas
Wanting to gain more in house expertise in the domain of soil health and overall farm ecology.
Carbon sequestration
Diagnostic field visit
Travel time, transportation costs, accommodation if needed, $1,200/day on site.
These prices do not include outside equipment investments or material costs that may be required in the process.
$1,200 / day on site
* Travel rates:
Mileage: $ 0.58/km
Gas: market rate
Travel time: $75.00/hour
Per diem for multi day consultations: $75/day